Thursday, August 13, 2009

Well, I endured watching "Watchmen" this week. I hope I am not offending but it only serves to reinforce my dislike of the recent trend of movies based on graphic novels.

I liked the effects in the movie and I even smiled at the "alternate history" where Nixon is a 5 term president fighting the Russkies.

But omg the plot was like a frankensteinian grafting of the brains of a savvy observer of human nature and a 25 year old geek-virgin who still lives in his parents' basement. It lurched sickeningly between the clever and the bizarrely naïve. Drooling as it went from politically clever concepts to stupid teen dreams all taking place in inane costumes replete with capes and headgear.

The smartest man in the world??? Oh that about killed me right there.

"Dr. Manhattan"? Really?

And "Rohrschach". Why not just call him "Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory" and have his alter ego named "Meyers Briggs"? (Although I did like the shifting face mask and the possibility of some underlying symbolism of his character reflecting society on some larger scale...when of course I wasn't distracted by Harvey Birdman having "relations" with Silk Specter II in an aerodynamically impossible craft high above the city.)

And the fact the movie went on for like 15 hours indicates that someone just KNEW they wouldn't be able to milk this for a sequel so they tried to cram it all into one movie. Blowing their lot all in one shot...not unlike the airship scene.

My brain hurts and not in a good way now.

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